Seedlings SEND Aims

We aim to provide a stimulating environment, where all children have the opportunity to achieve their full potential. Where a child appears to be behind expected levels, or where a child’s progress gives cause for concern, Seedlings will ensure that the child is given additional support to help with their progress.

We work together with parents/carers and other relevant professionals to organise the environment and plan activities to ensure all children take part at a level appropriate to their needs.

SENDCo and training

All our staff have an awareness of Special Educational Needs through their Early Years training. We aim for at least one member of staff in each room to have read and used the Code of Practice and been trained on I.E.P. writing and all paperwork linked to SEND. We also carry out external training with Plymouth City Council which is cascaded throughout Seedlings Preschool. We have regard for the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Code of Practice (July 2014).

Some staff are trained to use Makaton to aid communication and use this on a daily basis.




Qualified Teacher Status



Deputy SENDCo

EYITT with masters credits


SEND Support Team



EYE Level 3 Childcare Practitioner

Freya P

Freya P

EYE Level 2 Childcare Practitioner



EYE Level 2 Apprentice

Additional Support

We work closely with Plymouth City Council to support the additional needs of our children through funding for specialised equipment, resources and higher staffing levels when required. We are able to access this extra support through Inclusion Funding and the Disability Access Fund (DAF) for those who are eligible.

We direct families to seek further support from PIAS (Plymouth Information, Advice and Support for SEND), who are able to support parents/carers at meetings with professionals and with paperwork such as the EHCP process.